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Rising Insight's Team

Psychotherapists & Social Workers

Below is our team of Registered Psychotherapists, Social Workers and Canadian Certified Counsellors. To learn more about each therapist, please click the buttons. Feeling overwhelmed by the choices? That's okay! Complete our intake questionnaire and we would be happy to make our recommendations.

Intake Questionnaire

Not Sure Who is the Right Fit?

If you would like support in choosing the right therapist for you, we can help with that. Please fill out the form below and we will connect with you once we have matched you with a therapist.

Appointment Availability:
Mode of Therapy
What type of therapy are you looking for (Select all that apply)?
What type of therapy are you looking for (Select all that Apply)?
Do you belong to one of the below communities? Providing this information assists us in matching you with a therapist who may be better equipped to support you in your therapy journey.

Thank you for your submission, we will text or email you within three business days! Please check your spam folder for our reply.

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